Many of us have problem areas on our bodies that leave us feeling self-conscious. Often, there isn’t much you can do on your own to change certain features that you don’t like. If you’ve recently lost a lot of weight, you could be experiencing some significant sagging skin throughout your body. This is common after major weight loss, but it can happen to any of us as we get older and skin naturally starts to sag. One of the most common places for this to occur is on the upper arms. For drooping and sagging fat and skin on the arms, surgery is often the only effective solution. 

Brachioplasty, or an arm lift, gets rid of sagging skin and excess fat on the upper arms. If you struggle with sagging skin and fat on your upper arms, come to Bruno Plastic Surgery for an arm lift that can make a huge difference. 

What Happens During Arm Lift Surgery?

During an arm lift, the sagging skin and any excess fat on the upper arm are removed. Incisions are made along the upper arm, and the size of the incisions may vary depending on the amount of skin and fat being removed and the desired results. Then, the excess skin and fat are removed, and the incisions are closed. Another common procedure to make the upper arms slimmer is liposuction to remove fat, but arm lift surgery is a better option for those who struggle with sagging skin rather than just excess fat.

Swelling is normal after arm lift surgery, and you’ll need to take time off from doing any physical activity while your arms heal. A tube will often be inserted to remove fluids following the procedure. As incisions are required to remove skin and fat, arm lift surgery does leave scars, but incisions are typically made on the insides of arms, so the scars are less noticeable. Arm lift surgery typically provides long-term results, but the results may vary over time as the remaining skin ages. After the area fully heals and the final results are noticeable, the upper arms are left looking tighter, slimmer, and younger.

Find Out if Arm Lift Surgery is Right for You

Everyone deserves to feel good about the way they look, but this can often be a challenge for many people. This can be especially difficult when we don’t like the things we have little control over. Although there are many things you can’t do on your own, you can achieve many of your aesthetic goals with the help of an experienced plastic surgeon. At Bruno Plastic Surgery, we’ll work with you to help find the best procedure to get you the results you want. You’ll get the best care available and have a team dedicated to helping you feel good about the way you look.

Sagging upper arms isn’t something you have to deal with if you’re unhappy with how it looks. Contact Bruno Plastic Surgery to learn more about getting an arm lift surgery in NEPA. 

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